our favorite broads: the original list from the bathroom wall
Open publication – Free publishing Tweet
Open publication – Free publishing Tweet
It came as a shock to me as we began to explore the delights of the flesh that our desires far outmatched the menu available. So we lived a dual existence.
If you think of the really popular blogs, what they have aside from abstract concepts like “quality” or “coolness” is that they post frequently. It’s like shoveling coal into a furnace.
One of the things I like best about Facebook is the opportunity it provides for random connections, and how a chance encounter through a thread can reveal shared passions. Case in point: Ann Magnuson, one of my all-time favorite East Village performance legends, and a great actor to boot, started a thread last summer on […]
JH: Can you tell me how and why you came to start your blog? EW: I began the art blog after a few years spent blogging on politics in hostile territory (I was a liberal blogging on right-wing sites), where I learned quickly that you better do your homework and be willing to be both […]
Yeah, I collect my cats’ whiskers when I find them. Roman seems to drop/lose them more than Gigi, but its hard to tell since they’re all white. I figure maybe someday a miniature painter will want them. Or, er, something:) They don’t take up a lot of room. I starting putting them in a little […]