Monthly Archives: February 2014

google school: “do you enjoy dark, violent, or disturbing music?”

I came across the following okCupid question, “Do you enjoy dark, violent, or disturbing music? Yes No When I’m in the mood Unsure”, and I thought, what exactly is that? Dark, violent, disturbing music? I tried to think if there was any kind of music that would disturb me such that I couldn’t enjoy it. I immediately […]

vignettes of the nite XXXV: from dumpster to mobile home

“With names like R2D2, Romanian Farm House, Uni-bomber Shack and The Chuck Wagon, these structures are built from pallets, bed frames, futon frames, doors, plywood, OSB, paint, packing crates, car consoles, auto glass, refrigerator shelves…when a home is completed, he pushes it into the street, take a few photos and then gives it away.”