Today I got an email from a guy I went out with explaining he’d not received emails I sent weeks ago until just then because they were sent to an iCloud account he never uses instead of gmail. He forwarded an example. He also apologized for appearing to leave me hanging, which I didn’t deserve, he added. Because he’d assumed I wasn’t interested, he’d moved on and started seeing someone else. What could I say but good luck and thanks? Fate decided for me. Then I saw him online.
Tomorrow my friend Steed and his longtime boyfriend get married and throw a party after at home. Its the first wedding I’ve been to in a while, even longer one that I wanted to go to. Ceremony in Madison Square Park, buffet and dancing in the loft after. Cozy. And my first gay wedding, which sort of surprises me, but its true. My camera is busted so I have to use an old one, no idea if pics will come out, we’ll see. Here are the images cluttering up my desktop instead. Sans manipulation and credit as there’s a veritable sea of them this time ( Google should provide any relevant info or msg. me).