Author Archives : janeharr

vignettes of the nite XLI: wild thing comes out of the closet

This really great article by Kid Congo on coming out of the closet got me thinking about this idea of loving rock’n’roll before knowing it was about sex. He talks about this experience, mentioning “Who Wears Short Shorts” by The Royal Teens and “Blue Moon” by The Marcels. For me it was “Wild Thing” by […]

vignettes of the nite XL: the academy awards, vicariously

(“A commercial society whose members are essentially ascetic and indifferent in social ritual has to be provided with blueprints and specifications for evoking the right tone for every occasion.” Marshall McLuhan) C’mon, its funny! I missed the Academy Awards tonite, but I had to share Justin Vivian Bond’s tweets, which I cut-and-pasted from v’s FB […]

google school: “do you enjoy dark, violent, or disturbing music?”

I came across the following okCupid question, “Do you enjoy dark, violent, or disturbing music? Yes No When I’m in the mood Unsure”, and I thought, what exactly is that? Dark, violent, disturbing music? I tried to think if there was any kind of music that would disturb me such that I couldn’t enjoy it. I immediately […]