Author Archives : janeharr

letters: camus

Happy Birthday, Albert Camus! 100 years old today…a centenarian. I memorized this phrase from The Plague, 1947, years ago for some reason, (its tautological veracity, I suppose): “There is a terrible cogency in the self-evident”, and well there is, isn’t there? You can read the book free online here! Given its meditations on mortality and […]

vignettes of the night XVIII: cocktails and coffee shops and mayors, oh my!

I’m never getting drunk again. Its so rare that I do, and while I’ve always had a perplexingly high tolerance for it, alcohol doesn’t agree with my constitution (the reason I think my mother never drank, though I did plenty for many years in my youth). Those who enjoy drinking have the benefit of doing […]

lou andreas-salomé: the intellexual femme fatale

Reading about Nietzsche and his attitudes toward women led me to his association with Lou Andreas-Salomé, famous psychoanalyst, sociologist, socialite, polyamorist. Then I found this 1892 photo of her with Nietzsche and Paul Rée, with whom its reputed she had a ménage à trois. She gets added to my “favorite broads” list! Always knew of […]