Author Archives : janeharr

encounter resembled a strange

My first IPL encounter resembled a strange, surreal amalgam of various American sporting experiences. At first, I felt the familiarity of attending a college football game with all the Kolkata Knight Rider jerseys around me and the collective feeling of a unified city. Then something happens a fight breaks out in the crowd and the […]

dizzying array of organizations

There are a dizzying array of organizations that claim some link to September 11 victims. Some profess political neutrality: Families of September 11, Voices of September 11th, Tuesday’s Children. Others have thrust themselves into the charged debates over torture or the so called Ground Zero mosque: 9/11 Families for a Safe Strong America has squared […]

with the aid of soap

For the preparation of golf bag, you should make it empty completely and clean it with the aid of soap and water in a gentle manner. In case you go for playing in muddy conditions, there are chances that mud from golf clubs heads may be dropped into the golf bag. Hence, you should ensure […]

fashion matters: anna piaggi, rei kawakubo, and my fantasy wish list for the fall

Thinking about Piaggi’s famous mix of high and low — ie. couture meets Canal Street in a penchant for vibrant colors and clashing patterns — I am reminded of my favorite Jean Genet quote from The Thief’s Journal (1949): “To achieve harmony in bad taste is the height of elegance.