Author Archives : janeharr

the fire gods of glitter: hunter reynolds on the art of healing

(also published in Huffpost) The desire to inspire others to keep on going regardless of the suffering and hardships encountered in life is a noble pursuit in art, and a tall order at that. But the desire to inspire others to find in their suffering and hardship the makings of beauty and healing — well, […]

my past life fantasies

I’ve always liked the idea of past lives, of being part of a larger energy force that moves from one body in space/time to the next, perhaps even inhabiting several simultaneously (parallel universes and all). In Haitian Voudou, these forces are referred to as one’s Maît–tête, or master of the head, a dominant spirit who shares […]

e.v. day and kembra pfahler on their project, “giverny”: unedited

An edited version of this interview was published in Time Out, New York, April 16, 2012, All images by moi. E.V. Day and Kembra Pfahler, “Giverny” After years of neglect following World War II, Monet’s famous Giverny house and gardens were restored to their former glory in 1980 and reopened to the public. The […]