Author Archives : janeharr

selections from the vernacular pic collection aka my orphans

I started collecting old snapshots after spending hours sifting through an immense warehouse of junk that we regulars affectionately called “Sid’s on Driggs”, a space now occupied by a yipster grocery store and luxury apartments. I learned when they were asked to pick up the remains of loved one’s estate (ie. the unwanted contents of […]

from the archives: my artforum interview with monica bonvicini

I never think to re-circulate my old writing, previously published stuff, but wtf, I watch artists promote the same work in different contexts all the time, which I like when its random, or the result of an unexpected encounter with an old work they forgot about, or find – in the long glance of retrospection – strange […]

karma row: stigma and “mental illness”

I’ve been thinking about all the attention Robin Williams’ suicide has garnered, how the continued stigma of mental illness recalls attitudes toward gay people not so long ago. There is the same proclivity to make what we don’t understand, what we irrationally fear might contaminate us, so “other” as to be perverse, and so perverse […]