Author Archives : janeharr

vignettes of the nite LVV: “come on down to the store”

Tonite I listened to Sonic Youth’s Daydream Nation, 1988,  for the first time in years, and I was reminded of how much I like the song, The Sprawl.  Kim Gordon wrote the lyrics, and while there’s been much speculation as to what they mean, according to the band’s biography, Goodbye 20th Century, 2009, they were based […]

conquering the artist statement: a 4 week workshop/sign up now!

Hey there! This year I’m offering two sessions for my annual workshop, open to all NYC-based artists and designers, young and old, emerging and established, etc. I’ve had BFA students take it, MFAs, recent grads, those who’ve been at it a while, older artists, architects and designers who want to jumpstart their visual art practice, […]

vignettes of the nite XLVI: genet and lee

“Thereafter, he ennobled shame. He bore it in my presence like a burden, like a tiger clinging to his shoulders, the threat of which imparted to his shoulders a most insolent submissiveness.” ― Jean Genet, The Thief’s Journal, 1948 The Thief’s Journal is one of my favorite books. The kind you can deeply commune with, […]