Category Archives : Artschmart

conquering the artist statement: a 4 week workshop/sign up now!

Hey there! This year I’m offering two sessions for my annual workshop, open to all NYC-based artists and designers, young and old, emerging and established, etc. I’ve had BFA students take it, MFAs, recent grads, those who’ve been at it a while, older artists, architects and designers who want to jumpstart their visual art practice, […]

vignettes of the nite XLVI: genet and lee

“Thereafter, he ennobled shame. He bore it in my presence like a burden, like a tiger clinging to his shoulders, the threat of which imparted to his shoulders a most insolent submissiveness.” ― Jean Genet, The Thief’s Journal, 1948 The Thief’s Journal is one of my favorite books. The kind you can deeply commune with, […]

abstract expressionism, the “renaissance prince” of cold war politics

Teaching Abstract Expressionism is never easy but its essential to the traditional modernist narrative, which I dismantle and question (I almost wrote “unpack”, phew) as a matter of course, and Ab-Ex provides ample opportunity:) Mostly its Pollock who bothers me, the shaman alcoholic (or is it the wounded cowboy?) whose vulnerability both tempered and underscored […]

vignettes of the nite XXXI: miss van and santani

So tonite its a mash-up of two random sets of images I downloaded that represent the work of French graff artist Miss Van, and a young Russian toy designer, Santani. The latter, who lists Dumbo as her favorite cartoon character (a good sign!), makes these kooky cute hyper real furry creatures that are wonderfully fantastical. […]

together again: biglar @ joe’s pub

Its pretty special when you get to see a friend fulfill a dream, and watching artist Larry Krone perform last nite at Joe’s Pub was one of those moments. Featuring family and friends in an extravaganza that was part honky-tonk, part cabaret, the songs and costumes Krone created were heartfelt, kooky, and homespun, the eccentric […]