Category Archives : Fashion Matters

fashion matters: the shift

With the endless crazy shifts in the weather, one day pouring buckets and 65°, the next sunny and 85°, the idea of the tunic/shift/shirtdress appeals more and more to me. Something about the right drape to a loose garment, and of course the airiness it provides. A spaciousness that allows for layers, under and over, […]

vignettes of the nite XL: the academy awards, vicariously

(“A commercial society whose members are essentially ascetic and indifferent in social ritual has to be provided with blueprints and specifications for evoking the right tone for every occasion.” Marshall McLuhan) C’mon, its funny! I missed the Academy Awards tonite, but I had to share Justin Vivian Bond’s tweets, which I cut-and-pasted from v’s FB […]

together again: biglar @ joe’s pub

Its pretty special when you get to see a friend fulfill a dream, and watching artist Larry Krone perform last nite at Joe’s Pub was one of those moments. Featuring family and friends in an extravaganza that was part honky-tonk, part cabaret, the songs and costumes Krone created were heartfelt, kooky, and homespun, the eccentric […]

jewelers to die for: the work of jelena behrend and andrea corson

I wanted to share the work of two artist friends, Andrea Corson and Jelena Behrend, who make great jewelry! Though their sensibilities are different – where Corson is polished and whimsical, Behrend is graphic and expressive – both lean toward the abstract, conceiving of their designs as a sculptor would. Behrend’s work has been featured in […]