Category Archives : Letters

reinaldo arenas (again) through the eyes of jana boková

“I’m not a conceptual artist, more like an intuitive anarchist.” – Jana Boková I’m half way through Reinaldo Arenas’ The Palace of The White Skunks, 1982, and totally enraptured. It made me look up his poetry. That led to my discovery of this clip from the documentary Havana, 1990, by the Czech-born director Jana Boková […]

letters: camus

Happy Birthday, Albert Camus! 100 years old today…a centenarian. I memorized this phrase from The Plague, 1947, years ago for some reason, (its tautological veracity, I suppose): “There is a terrible cogency in the self-evident”, and well there is, isn’t there? You can read the book free online here! Given its meditations on mortality and […]