Category Archives : Letters

lou andreas-salomé: the intellexual femme fatale

Reading about Nietzsche and his attitudes toward women led me to his association with Lou Andreas-Salomé, famous psychoanalyst, sociologist, socialite, polyamorist. Then I found this 1892 photo of her with Nietzsche and Paul Rée, with whom its reputed she had a ménage à trois. She gets added to my “favorite broads” list! Always knew of […]

vignettes of the night XII: ghosts, betrayals, and love

Tonite over drinks at my old haunt in Greenpoint, The Mark Bar, a friend tells me my living situation should be a screenplay between the alcoholic/speed freak polish carpenter who uses the apartment as a testing ground for his decorative ideas, and refuses to lock the outside door, among other ANNOYING behavior (like getting into […]

top o’ the pile: 17 writers share their nightstand reads (from rick moody and lynne tillman to edmund white and eileen myles)

THIS IS FROM MY LATEST HUFFPOST PIECE, cheers! (sorry that so many links to various titles among author bios got cut/unlinked).   Summer reading lists are as ubiquitous as the inevitable heat, and while I’m always interested in what writers are reading, I find this genre — if that’s the right word — a bit […]

“that’s so gay” – harmless slang or no? bruce labruce, cody critcheloe, casey spooner, annie sprinkle, and others chime in

WORDS HAVE POWER “Linguistic reclamation, also known as linguistic resignification or reappropriation, refers to the appropriation of a pejorative epithet by its target(s)….Laying claim to the forbidden, the word as weapon is taken up and taken back by those it seeks to shackle – a self-emancipation that defies hegemonic linguistic ownership and the (a)buse of […]


From the Free Merriam-Webster Dictionary: pho·ny–ba·lo·ney adj \-bə-ˈlō-nē\ Definition of PHONY-BALONEY : phony e Variants of PHONY-BALONEY pho·ny–ba·lo·ney or pho·ney–baloney First Known Use of PHONY-BALONEY: 1978 Synonyms: artificial, backhanded, counterfeit, double, double-dealing, double-faced, fake, feigned, hypocritical, Janus-faced, jive [slang], left-handed,lip, mealy, mealymouthed, Pecksniffian, phony (also phoney), phony-baloney (or phoney-baloney), pretended, two-faced, unctuous Antonyms: artless, candid, genuine, heartfelt, honest, sincere, undesigning, unfeigned From a 1937 issue of American Speech (published by Duke University Press), written by Peter Tamony: Tweet