Category Archives : Movie Night

artschmart: olympia + iris

It occurred to me that this image/still of Jodie Foster in Taxi Driver, 1976, did for the 20th century what Manet’s Olympia, 1863, did for the 19th: confront society with its ultimate sham-muse; the idealized whore. Or courtesan no-more. Manet did it by attacking art history’s tradition of the reclining nude, and showing what a sham all […]

movie night: horror vacui

I just love that you can get on the internet, and find someone who’s had the same thought as you, instantly. Its made me a 21st century gurl. I can’t imagine doing without that ability to instantly know or learn on the library of all libraries: the interwebs! Anyway, I  felt like watching a movie that would […]

vignettes of the nite: LVIII

“By just presenting rambling Ondine or National Velvet as isolated, spoiled fruits, stripping away their connections to personal drama or outside world, and by languidly exposing jig-acting situations (tangled bodies on a mattress, gargantuan make-up scenes, a crazy telephone scene with a witchlike gypsy, her maddening horsey smile flashing on and off like a neon […]

vignettes of the nite XL: the academy awards, vicariously

(“A commercial society whose members are essentially ascetic and indifferent in social ritual has to be provided with blueprints and specifications for evoking the right tone for every occasion.” Marshall McLuhan) C’mon, its funny! I missed the Academy Awards tonite, but I had to share Justin Vivian Bond’s tweets, which I cut-and-pasted from v’s FB […]