Category Archives : Culture Vulture

vignettes of the nite XXV: expanding the nipple w/ron athey

So a friend of mine got kicked off Facebook for god knows what, too much body exposure? Same old bullshit. Can’t they discern between individual artists sharing their work and porn advertisers on the hustle? Idiots. Anyway, his name is Ron Athey, and he’s an amazing artist, and I’m a big fan! (I’ll be doing […]

vignettes of the night XX: the new woman

“Lower class prostitutes in Weimar Germany, 1920′s” (that’s all the info. that accompanied this Google searched image….Hate not crediting a photo, don’t understand how people can steal photographs that have attribution) Fascinating article I have my students read every year as we discuss the Weimar era “New Woman”. I highly recommend it. Here’s an excerpt […]

letters: camus

Happy Birthday, Albert Camus! 100 years old today…a centenarian. I memorized this phrase from The Plague, 1947, years ago for some reason, (its tautological veracity, I suppose): “There is a terrible cogency in the self-evident”, and well there is, isn’t there? You can read the book free online here! Given its meditations on mortality and […]