Category Archives : Curious George

desktop clutter cum image essay

Apparently, my periodic posts of the image-clutter collected on my desktop constitute “image essays”, or at least that’s what AFC is calling the long scroll of images submitted by various artists they’re now featuring, without commentary. I assume the latter contain some hidden rhyme or reason to them, and I enjoy them, but I prefer the random. While teaching Surrealism […]

fashion matters: mannequins from mars

I got sick again, chest cold, so my weekend plans are ruined, wah, but a little wave of energy just lifted the curtains so I thought I’d share another collection of found pics from Ebay/Etsy. This time they’re atmospheric shots of funny or unusual mannequins, most of which have a weird dramatic tone (they would make great paintings), and all accidental! […]

from the archives: my artforum interview with monica bonvicini

I never think to re-circulate my old writing, previously published stuff, but wtf, I watch artists promote the same work in different contexts all the time, which I like when its random, or the result of an unexpected encounter with an old work they forgot about, or find – in the long glance of retrospection – strange […]

karma row: vintage cults and clothes

Ohmygoodness, I’ve been so very neglectful of this blog, sorry townsfolk:) Between my workshop, which is always so appreciated, and therefore gratifying, a couple of commissioned essays and artist statement consultations, I’ve been pretty distracted/busy. I’ve also officially opened my Etsy shop, romanlovesgigi, which gives me an inexplicable giddy joy. Maybe because I’ve always been […]

google school: “do you enjoy dark, violent, or disturbing music?”

I came across the following okCupid question, “Do you enjoy dark, violent, or disturbing music? Yes No When I’m in the mood Unsure”, and I thought, what exactly is that? Dark, violent, disturbing music? I tried to think if there was any kind of music that would disturb me such that I couldn’t enjoy it. I immediately […]