Category Archives : Listmania

acid dreams: animated hallucinations on film and in cartoons

It was an episode of The Simpsons where Homer trips on a “Guatemalan pepper” that made me want to gather cartoon depictions of drug hallucinations. Of course that clip – like many – is unavailable online (outside a bad 15 second fragment). Still, animation seemed to me the perfect medium to conjure the phantasmagoric, wonky […]

ebay-etsy: collecting the pics

I’ve spent hours upon hours looking at shit on Ebay and Etsy, and have collected various photographs from different auctions/sellers that I found appealing mostly for their unintentional awkwardness – some of which I find  aesthetically pleasing, others humorously abject. Anyway, here’s a sampling of that (ongoing) collection, enjoy! Tweet

fashion matters: anna piaggi, rei kawakubo, and my fantasy wish list for the fall

Thinking about Piaggi’s famous mix of high and low — ie. couture meets Canal Street in a penchant for vibrant colors and clashing patterns — I am reminded of my favorite Jean Genet quote from The Thief’s Journal (1949): “To achieve harmony in bad taste is the height of elegance.