Category Archives : Curious George

fall, and my 20th year in NYC: some random musings

Just a few things on my mind, hodge-podged here for you to nosh on. First, its my 20th anniversary in NYC, and I’m mulling over how to mark it, because its a milestone. I feel like a real New Yorker now, like I earned my stripes. And I’m living more or less how I once […]

bestiaries: a google-school exclusive

“A bestiary is a type of book, common in the medieval era, that catalogues animals. Medieval bestiaries typically included both real and mythological creatures, thereby incorporating natural history, cryptozoology, and legend. Plants and minerals were also sometimes included in bestiaries…The idea of the bestiary also survived past the medieval era, and modern examples can often […]

acid dreams: animated hallucinations on film and in cartoons

It was an episode of The Simpsons where Homer trips on a “Guatemalan pepper” that made me want to gather cartoon depictions of drug hallucinations. Of course that clip – like many – is unavailable online (outside a bad 15 second fragment). Still, animation seemed to me the perfect medium to conjure the phantasmagoric, wonky […]

ebay-etsy: collecting the pics

I’ve spent hours upon hours looking at shit on Ebay and Etsy, and have collected various photographs from different auctions/sellers that I found appealing mostly for their unintentional awkwardness – some of which I find  aesthetically pleasing, others humorously abject. Anyway, here’s a sampling of that (ongoing) collection, enjoy! Tweet