Category Archives : Let’s Mull

karma row: gay marriage and anti-assimilationists

I was a little bothered by those raining on this year’s historic gay pride (in the US). All these anti-rainbow, anti-assimilationist posts, which I respect, but find disheartening. I’ve identified culturally as queer for 30 years, since my women’s studies days, and I’m quite partial to the anti-assimilationist position. I generally feed what grows in […]

karma row: the virtual mob

Feb. 19th 2015 I’ve always avoided the sadistic pleasure of gang-ups because of natural compassion for anyone under attack, not  to mention the issue of context, which is essential. and easily missed, I might add, esp. on social media. Lately, virtual bullying seems all the rage as schoolyard trolls go meta.  I’m thinking of the year-old case of Justine Sacco, […]

karma row: stigma and “mental illness”

I’ve been thinking about all the attention Robin Williams’ suicide has garnered, how the continued stigma of mental illness recalls attitudes toward gay people not so long ago. There is the same proclivity to make what we don’t understand, what we irrationally fear might contaminate us, so “other” as to be perverse, and so perverse […]