Category Archives : Karma Row

“that’s so gay” – harmless slang or no? bruce labruce, cody critcheloe, casey spooner, annie sprinkle, and others chime in

WORDS HAVE POWER “Linguistic reclamation, also known as linguistic resignification or reappropriation, refers to the appropriation of a pejorative epithet by its target(s)….Laying claim to the forbidden, the word as weapon is taken up and taken back by those it seeks to shackle – a self-emancipation that defies hegemonic linguistic ownership and the (a)buse of […]

in honor of black history month, i give you petey greene

In honor of Black History Month, I give you Ralph Waldo “Petey” Greene, Jr. Ultimate rabble-rouser and raconteur, tellin’ it like it is (the rare homophobic comment excluded, obviously). I’ve yet to see Don Cheadle’s portrayal of Greene in Talk to Me (2007), but plan to, even if I’m likely to feel like Under Cover Black Man, who […]

those somalian pirates, at it again

Wondering why the anarchist in me secretly admires these Somalian pirates, I came across this really oddball blog, no quarter: an anarchist zine about pirates. Kinda cool. “Radical piratology.” To give you an idea of its tenor, here’s a quote from an interview in it by author Gabriel Kuhn on his latest book, Life Under the […]

the tarot has spoken: calling all hermits!

I didn’t exactly come to this card via a traditional reading, but it reminded me of a character in a short story of mine who “performs” the major arcana cards.  And it does seem somehow precipitous since I’d been researching the word “recluse” when I happened upon the classic image (from the Waite deck). Also, […]


From the Free Merriam-Webster Dictionary: pho·ny–ba·lo·ney adj \-bə-ˈlō-nē\ Definition of PHONY-BALONEY : phony e Variants of PHONY-BALONEY pho·ny–ba·lo·ney or pho·ney–baloney First Known Use of PHONY-BALONEY: 1978 Synonyms: artificial, backhanded, counterfeit, double, double-dealing, double-faced, fake, feigned, hypocritical, Janus-faced, jive [slang], left-handed,lip, mealy, mealymouthed, Pecksniffian, phony (also phoney), phony-baloney (or phoney-baloney), pretended, two-faced, unctuous Antonyms: artless, candid, genuine, heartfelt, honest, sincere, undesigning, unfeigned From a 1937 issue of American Speech (published by Duke University Press), written by Peter Tamony: Tweet