Category Archives : Psychically-Speaking

krampus: santa’s evil helper

Meet Krampus, the Anti-Santa.  Last year I got a little obsessed with this sinister Alpine folk hero (or is that villain, depends on your perspective, I suppose!) known for stealing, beating, and otherwise visiting hell upon bad little children in pre-Christian days. This pagan demon, whose name derives from the Old German word for claws, would tear […]

my past life fantasies

I’ve always liked the idea of past lives, of being part of a larger energy force that moves from one body in space/time to the next, perhaps even inhabiting several simultaneously (parallel universes and all). In Haitian Voudou, these forces are referred to as one’s Maît–tête, or master of the head, a dominant spirit who shares […]

in honor of black history month, i give you petey greene

In honor of Black History Month, I give you Ralph Waldo “Petey” Greene, Jr. Ultimate rabble-rouser and raconteur, tellin’ it like it is (the rare homophobic comment excluded, obviously). I’ve yet to see Don Cheadle’s portrayal of Greene in Talk to Me (2007), but plan to, even if I’m likely to feel like Under Cover Black Man, who […]