karma row: meditation and the brain (but what about the heart?)

(When socializing it is important to remember that other people are feeling tortured too) A friend posted this interesting link on FB about research studies that show how meditation alters brain activity: “The study investigated the effects of a day of intensive mindfulness practice in a group of experienced meditators, compared to a group of […]

together again: biglar @ joe’s pub

Its pretty special when you get to see a friend fulfill a dream, and watching artist Larry Krone perform last nite at Joe’s Pub was one of those moments. Featuring family and friends in an extravaganza that was part honky-tonk, part cabaret, the songs and costumes Krone created were heartfelt, kooky, and homespun, the eccentric […]

vignettes of the nite XXVII: snow and random desktop pics

Buzz buzz buzz! I’ve not had a second to land here in a few days because I’ve been busy! Hope everyone survived Hercules. I’ve enjoyed it immensely, as always! And dry snow is the best, perfect weather to sled, ski, snowboard, or just walk on. Blizzards are magical, and having grown up with them, including […]

vignettes of the nite XXVI: new historicism and new years eve

As the new year dawns, I’m in my usual mode of hunkering down, avoiding the drunken subway scene and forced gaiety that is NYE in NYC — and just TRY and get a cab or car service there and back without it being a royal pain. So either there’s something romantic going on at home, […]

vignettes of the night XXV: 2013, the year of shelfies

As a person who’s got books coming out of her ears, the idea of shelfies, or pics of your books – a phenomena I observed on social media long before I heard the term – is appealing if also strange. A couple summers ago when I did a piece for Huffpo, inviting a number of […]

light in darkness

In honor of Winter Solstice…make of it what you will! There are two ways of spreading light; to be the candle or the mirror that reflects it. – Edith Wharton (from Vesalius in Zante, 1902) Mona Hatoum, Current Disturbance, 1996 (White Chapel, 2011 installation) I love this the quote, and when I thought of coupling […]