vignettes of the night VIII: wtf part 2

Last nite my internet server made the loading of anything, namely images, impossibly slow. So I neglected to post, sorry:(( ALSO in my defense, I discovered that I’d been stabbed in the back — institution-style. And while I’m now considering an intellectual property lawsuit, refusing to be defeated by anyone’s dirty tricks, it stunned me. […]

vignettes of the night VII: oops

Almost forgot. Getting out of the train tonite, I found myself thinking about my 20 year anniversary, of how impossible it would seem to live anywhere else. Outside NYC I mean, because I’d move back to Manhattan, should it be an option (not likely, waay too poor). But Brooklyn really is a lot more interesting […]

vignettes of the night VI: discoveries

I’m removing the rule that the pics I post have to be my own, or relate to my daily routine. I’m going to include other images that I find that resonate or I want to share. I am inspired constantly by artists who are deeply visionary, who embody utopian beliefs, and take constant risks to […]

vignettes of the night V: random/homey

(“You can make friends with random chance.” – Breyer P-Orridge) Been working all day on this piece on Genesis Breyer P-Orridge for The Believer, so only left the house to feed the cat colony. Not that these vignettes have to conform so literally to my original intentions. Sometimes I’m so literal. Anyway, forgive tonite’s cast-offs, […]

vignettes of the night IV: housing

(For some odd reason when I working in housing – at a private not-for-profit that administered affordable housing government programs like Section 8 – I chose to remember the names of two elderly clients in my caseload of over 300: Cecil and Olive Harrington. I thought it was such a wonderful couple name, and wanted […]

vignettes of the night III: shrinkage

Weird to tell my shrink about this post-series tonite (she’s always encouraging me to self-promote, and I’m always struggling to find the courage to write with no aim). Weirder still to then stop in mid-session and ask to snap the pic of the little bamboo/rattan table, replete with requisite tissue box, that sits in front […]