vignettes of the nite XLV: unknown pleasures by joy division

On my way home tonite from a dinner date I heard a Joy Division track in my favorite Williamsburg pizzeria (I was still hungry:). One of those mesmerizing deja vu moments. So as soon as I got in the door, I put on Closer, 1980, then Unknown Pleasures, 1979, both albums on Youtube, and I […]

letters: “socialism is the truest form of democracy”

I have yet to read this book, Imagine Living in a Socialist USA, conceived by the amazing Frances Goldin, but I just ordered it. As to its genesis, Goldin explains: “I am 88 years old and before I die I want to do two things: get Mumia out of prison (she is his friend and […]

audio mash-up #2

Here’s the latest mash-up created from a long list of excerpts I compiled, in no particular order, from films, TV, commercials, cartoons, etc. What’s presented here reflects what my intern, the amazing Nick Stromberg, could cull online, and edit together. There will be more…ENJOY! Tweet

vignette of the nite XLIV: insects are us

8 animals that know how to farm. As if we needed more proof that humans aren’t that special. Read about it here! Who knew ants grew fungi farms? I shouldn’t be surprised. When I saw this doc on termites and the complex infrastructure they create, the cities and architecture, my mind was blown. Of course, […]

abstract expressionism, the “renaissance prince” of cold war politics

Teaching Abstract Expressionism is never easy but its essential to the traditional modernist narrative, which I dismantle and question (I almost wrote “unpack”, phew) as a matter of course, and Ab-Ex provides ample opportunity:) Mostly its Pollock who bothers me, the shaman alcoholic (or is it the wounded cowboy?) whose vulnerability both tempered and underscored […]