Tag Archives : Bruce LaBruce

vignettes of the nite XI: asia argento

I’d hop the fence for Asia Argento anytime. I’ve always found her fascinating and yes of course very sexy because of the roles she’s played. Who does raw and real better than her? But its also the fucked up relationship with her Dad, a weirdo himself (and a masterful director), that she’s talks so openly […]

“that’s so gay” – harmless slang or no? bruce labruce, cody critcheloe, casey spooner, annie sprinkle, and others chime in

WORDS HAVE POWER “Linguistic reclamation, also known as linguistic resignification or reappropriation, refers to the appropriation of a pejorative epithet by its target(s)….Laying claim to the forbidden, the word as weapon is taken up and taken back by those it seeks to shackle – a self-emancipation that defies hegemonic linguistic ownership and the (a)buse of […]